Monday, January 17, 2011

Talking to Babies is Essential

I recently came across this NPR story which demonstrates how important it is to talk to babies and young children. Their growing brains thrive on frequent verbal stimulation from a real human being interacting directly with them.

I am fascinated by the process of literacy and language development, and that fascination only grows as I read and learn more about it. If you are interested in learning more, I recommend these books:

The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease

Growing a Reader From Birth by Diane McGuinness

Baby Read-Aloud Basics by Caroline Blakemore and Barbara Weston Ramirez

Reading Magic by Mem Fox

Smart-Wiring Your Baby's Brain by Winifred Conklin

These books follow many of the same principles and are based on some common research, but they each provide a unique perspective. When read together, they give a comprehensive and useful guide to understanding how children learn language and how to help them become life-long readers.

The links will take you to Better World Books where you can buy many of them for $3 or $4 (with free shipping!)

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