Monday, January 10, 2011

Book Review: Jacob, Have I Loved

I've been on a bit of a YA book kick lately. For the most part, I've been returning to historical fiction books I read in my childhood (or ones I should have read). I'm currently rereading my way through and will write about them when I finish. But today, I want to talk about Jacob, Have I Loved by Katherine Patterson.

My sister I insisted I buy and read this book a couple of years ago when she heard that I hadn't read it. I did buy it then, but never got around to reading it.

I finally picked it up a few months ago, and was immediately transported. The characters, setting, and story were utterly captivating. I read it in two evenings, because it's pretty easy reading, yes, but also because it was so compelling.

Patterson tells the story of Sara Louise Bradshaw and her twin sister, Caroline. Sara Louise is always being compared (negatively) to her more accomplished twin. It is a beautiful tale of relationships, sisterhood and growing up.

I loved the book from the beginning, but the end wraps everything up with such perfect magic that I closed the book in awe. I'm sure there was a smile on my face, and a small ache inside me that mourned just a little bit because the book was over.

To me, that's the best way to end a book. Thanks to my sister, Lauren, for making me buy it.

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