Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Starbucks Quotation

“What I look for in musicians is generosity. There is so much to learn from each other and about each other’s culture. Great creativity begins with tolerance.”  -Yo Yo Ma

This was on my Starbucks cup tonight...


Mariss said...

He seems like such a down to earth and NICE guy. I read "The Soloist", and he was mentioned in it. He was very nice when he met the formerly homeless man who had been a musician. Just the most gracious ("Call me Yo Yo, not Mr. Ma") person.

Pattie said...

...does starbucks have to pay for these quotes....

Caitlin said...

I have no idea--I never thought about that!

Carolyn said...

I am a bit addicted to my morning Starbucks! My favorite part is the quote on the cup :)! I love your blog (love books as well!) and can't wait to read more of your posts!!