Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Catch Up Posts!

Although I wasn't overly busy this weekend, I didn't manage to squeeze any blogging in.  I thought when I finished school, I would have time for more reading and more blogging, as well as more time for all the other things I enjoy, but couldn't get to in between classes and studying.  That has not exactly been the case.  True, I do read  more that I did when I had classes (or, rather, read more aside from assigned readings for classes, I should say.)  And I might have a few more posts per week than I did when I was still in school, but the volume and quality isn't as consistent as I would like it to be.  I was so inspired after the Blogging Your Way class with the lovely Holly Becker of decor8, but some of that momentum has slowed.  The other problem is that although I have more free time, I also have virtually no structure.  I'm sure the structure part will be taken care of when I have a job.  Then, of course, there's the time I'm spending looking for and applying to jobs!  So it's not like I'm just watching TV all the time.  I know I've been productive in the six weeks since graduation, but where has all the time gone?

Well, I have read at least four books, so that's progress, right?  And now I'm going to play catch up while I have some extra time this afternoon.  Here come posts for Friday (children's books), Sunday (spirituality), and a few extra! 

Here's hoping for more consistency in the future!


haus maus said...

Don't give up, you can do it okay? I'm reading!!!!

Caitlin said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Holly! I just get stuck sometimes, but I'm definitely going to keep at it! I'm so glad you're reading!!